help us make a positive impact

How to get involved

  • Attend City Council and appropriate committee meetings when the meetings are dealing with Severance issues. 

  • Attend open meetings of the Council and various committees to urge them to address the issues at Severance and the City's program to address those issues if Severance is not high on the agenda of the entity holding the meeting.

  • Take every opportunity to encourage City elected officials and employees to address Severance urgently.

  • Sign up to receive the SAG email newsletter, and to pass it on to others they believe need to be motivated and informed.

  • Voice your support for SAG's efforts and those who endorse SAG's efforts.

  • Help SAG reach out to the Cleveland Heights community on the subject of Severance.

  • Spread awareness from this website, our Instagram and Facebook, as well as from our monthly newsletter.